Feeling particularly chirpy today!
Will be shipping this off soon...
Been really busy lately... there are some new items that I'm itching to post up soon!!
This is one of the items I've been particularly busy with...
Custom made heart shaped ring pillow :)
I never mentioned that I'm a grossly impatient (and increasingly clumsy) fella. The embroidery work tested my patience to the max... It's my first time trying embroidery out on such a big scale (to me it's a big scale) threads entangling now and then, soft satin fabric, my index finger was rubbed raw from pushing the needle, i scratched myself on the thigh with the needle... and one mistake will meaning starting the work all over again *shudder*
I had to be in a "zen" mode, so i took my time and spread out the embroidery work to 3 days haha...and it all came out fine! It was all worth it.
Enjoy your Friday and weekend everyone!!!