I’ve been realllllly busy, these few weeks have been a mad mad rush!
Rehearsals for my brother’s wedding, some last minute heartland gigs, and most hectic of all, preparations for the Hong Kong trip!!
Preparations for live for the mo\m/ent, doing the photoshoot, the rehearsals! We had a really fulfilling trip, each of us 3 bands had 3 gigs each during the duration of Music Matters, so we were there to root each other for the total of 9 gigs for 4 days! Here's a couple of Redpoll's last performance in HK...
Late nights, too much booze, too much food! But hell, it was a blast, a great experience, a real eye opener! Nothing beats travelling with good friends :) We also met some really awesome people, and saw some really really rockin’great acts that blew my mind.
We all came back sick and exhausted, but happy :D
I have tonnes of backlogs for my little shop, and I hope to post them all up very very soon!